
Preventing voiding your roof warranty

The installation of a new roof often comes with a sizable warranty. The best roof installers stand behind their craft, which is why roof warranties will last decades, if not the lifetime of your home. However, this doesn’t give you free rein to do whatever you want in your home. In fact, it is possible to void your roof. Sometimes though, you may accidentally void your roof warranty without knowing about it. So, now that you have a brand-new roof (or, at least, are looking into the installation of one), here is what you need to know about how to prevent voiding your roof warranty.

A Guide on How To Prevent Voiding Your Roof Warranty

Here are some tips and tricks on how to prevent voiding your roof warranty:

Read Your Warranty

The best way to avoid voiding your roof warranty is to read the warranty. Every contractor will have a warranty printed out for you with all the details, not only what the warranty covers but what can void the warranty. It should only take a few minutes to read through, but it is well worth your time. And if you have any questions, make sure to ask ahead of time.

Don’t Install Anything

Most people don’t go up on their roofs. It’s not exactly the safest place to be, and there’s little reason to go up there, outside of sweeping off dead vegetation or junk that might have blown down after a storm. However, that doesn’t mean other contractors and technicians won’t find their way onto the roof.

Take, for example, a satellite dish. You might not think twice about contacting a satellite provider to take advantage of a new discount or because you really want to try out that new Tesla satellite Internet service (Starlink). When something is drilled into the roof and installed, it can void the warranty of the roof. It’s far better to have a satellite dish installed somewhere else on your property or just go with streaming television service instead of voiding your roof’s warranty to take advantage of a great satellite television package.

Avoid the Self Repairs

You wouldn’t be the first person to want to perform your own repairs. There’s plenty around the house you can work on, but it is a good idea to avoid working directly on the item when it comes to any warranty. Understand how to prevent voiding your roof warranty. For example, you might like working on your car, but it will likely void the warranty if you begin tinkering with the engine and installing modifications.  The same is true with your roof. If there is any kind of damage, even minor, you might think it to be okay to perform the repair yourself. The problem is this can void a warranty. Repairs made by someone who is not a skilled, certified roofing contractor can end up causing long-term defects, which can lead to more expensive repairs. Instead of attempting to perform any kind of repair on your roof, it’s better to pick up the phone and give your roofing contractor a call. This way you’ll know what is going on and the roof will be repaired correctly. After all, you have a warranty. You might as well use it.

Clean The Roof

While you should avoid drilling and doing anything damaging on your roof, you should still keep the roof clean. When branches, leaves, and other organic material fall onto your roof, the material will begin to break down. This may lead to a host of other issues. A damp, water-soaked branch will start to weigh down on the roof, which might place unnecessary pressure on the roof. It can also bring in pests as the branches and leaves start to break down.

When you let this organic material fester on your roof, it not only can damage the roof, but it can void the warranty on your roof. Take the gutters off the roof. If you do not clean out the gutters regularly, the gunk will start to weigh down and, eventually, pull the gutters free of the house while straining the roof. Your warranty may be null and void should this happen.

In order to avoid this kind of void warranty, you need to clean out your gutters at least twice a year (usually in the fall and in the spring). You can do this yourself, or you may want to bring in a gutter cleaning professional to help if you don’t want to be up on a ladder, cleaning out the sludge from the gutters.

If you have any kind of larger branches on the roof, you should absolutely bring someone in that knows how to handle larger, heavier items while navigating your roof. It can be slick and dangerous, so always rely on professionals.

Never Pressure Wash

This is a mistake several people make. Pressure washing might seem like a good idea, making it easier to clean the roof quickly. However, it also blasts high-powered water onto the roof. This, in turn, can damage the roof over time. If there is a soft spot, it will be exposed, and water will seep into cracks. The pressure washer can also further damage shingles that might have some wear and tear sustained over the years. So, don’t break out the pressure washer if you want to remove dirt and grime that might be stuck on the roof. If the roof is that dirty, contact a professional roof cleaning service and make sure they do not use a pressure washer in the process.

Roofing Consultation Today

Are you considering a new roof installation? Maybe you know you need a new roof, but you’re not sure where to begin, what materials are best, or even what kind of local and state tax credits might be available. Whatever your questions might be or whether you’re ready to pull the trigger on a new roof, our team here at Greensboro Roofing Specialists will address all of your questions and provide you with all the insights you might require, including how to prevent voiding your roof warranty, what it covers, and how to avoid potentially (and accidentally) voiding it.


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