
Roof inspection: How Often Should You Do It?

It is easy to forget about roof maintenance. It might be the topper to your home, but it’s often out of mind. You don’t come in physical contact with it, and it’s not something you regularly touch. And while roofs are designed to handle just about anything mother nature can throw its way, issues can arise. Because you don’t spend much time touching and interacting with the roof, these issues can go undetected for months, if not years. Left to fester, minor issues, which could have been repaired quickly and inexpensively early on, may turn into catastrophic situations, costing you tens of thousands of dollars in possible repairs. All of this can be avoided, though, and it all takes a regular roof inspection. But if you’ve been wondering, “how often should I inspect my roof,” here are the ins and outs of roofing inspections and when you should schedule them.

The Initial Inspection

Ideally, you will have your home’s roof inspected before purchase. So if you’re currently on the market for a new home and have an eye on one property, in particular, it is essential to have the roof inspected before purchase. This can save you thousands of dollars in possible repair costs should something arise early on down the line.

Maybe you have already purchased your home and had the roof inspected before purchase. Most inspecting contractors will look over the roof during the full inspection. If you already had that done, it’s possible you haven’t had anyone inspect the roof since you purchased the house. This is something that happens with several homeowners. However, if it has been several years (or longer) since the purchase inspection, you need to have it inspected again. A great deal of unnoticed damage can occur at this time, so you’ll want to know how often should i inspect my roof? You can schedule a roof inspection sooner rather than later.

Annual Inspections

After the initial inspection of your roof, it is highly recommended to inspect it once every year regularly. As you know, a lot can happen over 365 days, and damage to your roof is no different. Shingles might have developed a soft spot somewhere on the roof, or a downed branch might have punctured part of your roof without your knowledge. Even animals may have started to dig out part of the roof that connects with the chimney or siding. With so many variables, it doesn’t have to take much for the combination of weather, temperature changes, and critters to wreak havoc on your roof. With an annual inspection, it is possible to identify these issues early on and address them.

When Should You Schedule Your Inspection

Naturally, you should schedule the annual inspection around the time of year that works best for you. However, in a perfect world, you’d have your yearly inspection performed sometime during the spring months. The fall and winter months can put your roof through the wringer. Whether it is falling debris or the fluctuating temperatures and the possibility of snow, your roof will see more thrown its way during this time of the year than at any other point on the calendar. Due to this, it is a good idea to inspect the roof following fall and winter.

Of course, that isn’t always possible. Perhaps your schedule is so backed up during the spring that it just isn’t likely to have an inspection at this point of the year. That is okay, just as long as you have an annual inspection. By looking over the roof around the same time every year, it will still be possible to identify problems with the roof.

Benefits of Annual Roof Inspections

You already know about the ability to spot problems and repair them before they turn into more severe issues. However, there are other benefits you’ll experience with the help of annual roof inspections. For starters, chances are there will be minor repairs that need to be made. These are minor and may simply require the patching of a shingle or two. Whatever the minor repair is, it will help reduce your home’s heat loss during the winter months and treat cool air loss during the warmer months. Most of the treated air in your property is lost through the roof, so reducing this will not only help keep your home comfortable but will reduce energy consumption as well.

You will also skip leaks and mold development with these general repairs and annual roof inspections. If you don’t go into your attic all that often, chances are you don’t know what’s going on with the roof. However, even the smallest of cracks can allow moisture in. This moisture will slowly become absorbed into the roof and ceiling of the attic, which will then develop mold. Once mold forms, it leads to all kinds of problems, including the spread of the mold spores into other areas of the house. Mold spores will eat away at the wood, and it can cause health issues with residents and pets. Avoid these issues with an annual roof inspection.

Schedule Your Roof Inspection Today

If it has been several years since your last roof inspection, and now you might wonder how often should I inspect my roof? Now is the time to schedule one. This easy inspection won’t take long, and it will give you peace of mind knowing your roof is in good shape. Should the inspection find an issue, it will be less expensive to repair it now than to put it off and wait for something more serious to happen. So, no matter how long it has been since your last inspection, now is the perfect time to begin your annual roof inspection. The Greensboro Roofing Specialists team is here to aid you in all of your roofing needs. So whether you need an inspection, roof repair, or have general questions about the services offered, there’s never been a better time to contact Greensboro Roofing Specialists than right now.


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