
How Long Does It Take to Install a Roof?

When it comes to installing a new roof, one of the most common questions is how long will the installation take. Because there are so many variables affecting the required production time, there is no simple answer. We have replaced roofs that take half a day and we have performed replacements that have taken months. Some of the key variables that affect job duration include size, steepness, height, amount of flashings required, material type, and weather. If you are exploring a roof replacement and need to know the likely duration of the project, your best bet is going to be to get with your contractor to establish some of the variable details, and he or she should be able to give you an idea based on that information.

Average Roofing Installation Time

Though there is no simple answer to how long a roof replacement will take, the vast majority of our asphalt shingle replacements take between 1 and 4 days to complete. Standard architectural and three-tab shingles usually take less time to install than, say, designer or heavyweight shingles, which weigh more, require more bundles per 100 sq ft., and require more complex installation details. Specialty roofing materials such as metal, copper, wood shakes, slate and tile typically take significantly longer to install than most categories of asphalt shingles. After seeing your property and determining the materials to be installed, your contractor will be the best source for an accurate estimate of installation duration. 

Weather May Play A Factor

Rain or even the prospect of rain can be one of the biggest slowdowns in removing and installing your roof. If it’s a beautiful day out with a beautiful forecast, roof mechanics are able to be much more efficient with your tear off and replacement. If there is a high percentage chance of rain, less of the roof (if any at all) can be removed and comfortably worked on.  Cold temperatures can also be a factor. For instance, if you’re having asphalt shingles installed in the cold, it is not ideal to install a new asphalt shingle roof when the outside temperature is below 40 degrees. If the temperatures won’t get up to 40 degrees until later in the day, it is best to lay the shingle bundles in a sunny place to pre-warm them. This will make them more flexible and lay down flat sooner on the roof.  If snow or ice is on the roof, the installation may be paused due to safety and temperature concerns.

Other Impacts On Installation Time

A gently sloping shingle roof will typically take less time (per 100 sq ft) as it is easier to walk on, and tools will not slip and fall when set aside. There is a point at which a lower sloped shingle roof may need added time due to a manufacturer or code requirement for double or special underlayment (typically between 2/12 and 3.99/12 slope) to protect the decking. A steep roof installation is usually slower still. Special safety equipment may need to be set up and crews will move slower due to diminished maneuverability speed on steep projects. 

Do you own a historical house? If your home is considered a historical landmark, there may be additional steps to ensure the roof changes adhere to historical codes or neighborhood bylaws. While not exactly installation-related, there is often an approval process through which potential changes must go, and this can delay your desired start date. Samples may need to be presented to a Historical Council and that organization may not be in as big of a hurry to replace your roof as you are! Homeowners Associations can operate in a similar manner. There could be an approval process that is required and working hours may be limited for those performing the work within that HOAs boundaries. Your job may take another day or two to complete if crews can, for instance, only work from 8 am – 6 pm Monday through Friday. 

Begin Your New Roof Installation Today

If you want to know more about how long it might take to install a roof on your home, are interested in a price quote, or have questions about the various kinds of roofing materials available to you, now is a perfect opportunity to contact the staff at Greensboro Roofing Specialists. It doesn’t matter the size of your roof, the age of your home, or what kind of build material you are considering. The staff here at Greensboro Roofing Specialists can work with you and address your questions and concerns. So, if you’re ready to take the next step and begin prepping for a new roof, give our team a call or fill out a request on our website at your earliest convenience!


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