
Hail to the roof: Protect your roofs from hail

Hail is just one of those things that happen. Often there isn’t much warning before the hail storm, so by the time the weather report comes in, there isn’t much you can do outside of pulling your car into the garage. Your roof will take the brunt of the hail. Roofs are made to withstand a wide range of natural elements, ranging from wind and rain to snow and, yes, some forms of hail. However, hail can still damage your roof in various ways if you’re not careful. That is why it is a good idea to do what you can for a hail-proof roof. These minor upgrades and design features will protect your roof from hail damage, which in turn will save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. Here at Greensboro Roofing Specialists, these are a few of the hail-proof roof upgrades we recommend.

Hail Proof Roof Upgrade Recommendations

Here are some recommendations for the upgrades that you can do to make your roof hail proof:

A New Roof

One of the best ways to protect your roof from possible damage is to replace the current roof. Now, this doesn’t mean you need to go out and install a brand-new roof if your current roof is only a few years old. However, if your roof is on the older side (pushing a few decades), it is far more susceptible to hail damage. There are several reasons why this might be the case, including soft spots in the roof, damaged areas that have gone untreated, or loose roofing materials. A new roof will shore up these issues, not to mention strengthening the roof’s structural integrity, helping it withstand hail and other kinds of storms.

There are hail-resistant roofing materials built specifically to absorb the impact of hail without sustaining damage. The roofing material may cost a bit more upfront, but it will save you down the road on repairs, and some home insurance companies will cut down on your monthly costs because you are less likely to require repairs.

Tree Trimming

Often one of the biggest damaging factors of a hail storm isn’t the hail itself; it’s falling tree branches and other vegetation coming in contact with your roof. The weight of hail weighing down a branch may eventually cause it to fall, which then slams even more weight down onto your roof. The best way to avoid this kind of damage is to make sure it isn’t even possible. So stay on top of tree trimming around your property. If there are any trees with overhanging branches stretched over your home, have these trimmed. It’s also a good idea to have the trees trimmed that might be around power lines. We recommend having a professional trim the trees and not call the city or power company to do it. They will not cut for aesthetics, but instead, they’ll trim the tree just to ensure it’s not by the power line, which can leave you with less than desirable results. It costs more to have a professional tree service come out, but if the final visual results are important, we highly recommend it.

Gutter Work

Even if you have specialty shingles installed onto your roof, which are designed to withstand the impact not only of hail but of high winds, gutters can often be the forgotten area of the house that sustains the most damage. Gutters are lightweight and help control the movement of water away from your roof. During a heavy hail storm, the weight of hail can damage the gutters, potentially ripping the gutters down, away from the roof.

The best way to avoid this kind of damage is to have your gutters regularly cleaned out. It’s best to do this at least twice a year, usually in the fall and in the spring (you may want to check more often if you live in a heavily vegetated area where leaves and other debris may clog your gutters). The added weight of tree debris can already put a strain on your gutters, so it doesn’t take much for the weight of the hail to pull the gutters down. You may want to consider some gutter guards that will block out debris from sticking in the gutters. Now, you will still need to remove tree branches and leaves as they collect on top of the gutters. The gutter guards just make it easier to do this.

Talk To Your Roofing Specialist

Every home is a bit different in its location and construction angle. Because every property is different, the best ways to hail-proof roof may vary, and there really is no one-size-fits-all approach to do it. That is why you should have a roofing contractor come out and inspect the roof. They can perform any necessary repairs your roof might require and then make recommendations for protecting your roof. If it’s time to install a new roof, they can use the hail and wind-resistant shingles, or they might offer other suggestions.

Regardless of what you decide to do, it is always a good idea to have your roof inspected annually. This will help catch any current problems and give you the time to have these issues repaired before anything develops into a far more serious situation. Here at Greensboro Roofing Specialists, whether you’re in need of a new roof or you’re in need of an inspection to help you determine the best course of action for protecting your roof, we can do it all for you.

Protect Your Roof Today

If you’re worried about hail damage, or if you’re upgrading your roof and looking for ways to make the necessary improvements, these are a handful of the options at your disposal. To learn more about potential hail-proof roof features and find out which might be the best for your property, give our staff here at Greensboro Roofing Specialists a call. We’re happy to answer any questions you might have.


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